History of Tremonton, Utah
Taken from the Utah History Encyclopedia (Links Added)

Employment opportunities also have expanded with the Thiokol plant located twenty-six miles to the west. Nucor Steel is located fourteen miles to the north. *La-Z-Boy Chair Company operates within the city limits. Tremonton church groups include LDS, Baptist, Methodist, and Catholic.

See: Reuben D. Law, History of Tremonton (1928); Lydia Walker Forsgren, History of Box Elder County (1937); Phyllis Christensen, A Glorious Fifty Years, 1928-1978 (1978); and Kleon Kerr, Those Who Have Served, Town of Tremonton, 1906-1917, City of Tremonton, 1918-1992 (1992).

Kleon Kerr

* This Factory closed in the summer of 2008.
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