Dolomite, Utah

Location: 40.70105N 112.57579W
Altitude: 4,47.92' (1,294.76m)

Dolomite (Tooele) is a limestone quarry located just south of I-80 42.10 miles (67.75 km) west of Salt Lake City on what was part of the Western Pacific Ellerbeck/Dolomite branch line.

Nearby town are Grantsville 9.9 miles (15.932 km) southeast and Tooele 21.4 miles (34.439 96 km) to the southeast.

Dolomite is a carbonate mineral composed of calcium magnesium carbonate CaMg(CO3)2. It occurs in a white, translucent hexagonal crystal system and is use in building and construction industry for its hardness and density.

G. William Wiersdorf

See: Specialty Minerals; Wikipedia.

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