History of Garrison, Utah
Taken from the Utah Place Names. (Links Added)


Garrison (Millard) is on U-21 and Snake Creek near the Nevada line. Pruess Lake* is four miles south. Garrison is a small ranching community settled in the 1850's by cattle rustlers and outlaws. They settled in this area because it was easy to slip back and forth between the Nevada and Utah territories. The town later became a center for mining interests. The name developed from the Garrison family who moved in and, as mining interests dwindled, developed a cattle and hay ranch. Mrs. Garrison was the schoolteacher who also managed the town mail, so it is actually her name that honors the town.

John W. Van Cott

*In 1993 a 4 lb. 5 oz. Sacramento Perch 17 inches in length with a girth of 15 inches
was caught by Harlan G. Thomas in Pruess Lake (Garrison Reservoir).
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