During spring
runoff or when it rained hard the dirt streets and sidewalks of Bingham turned into a sloshing, muddy mess. The hungry miners were forced to
track through the mire on their way to and from the Baker house and
always left muddy floors behind as reminders of their presence. Ivy's
mother, frustrated by perpetually filthy floors, began agitating for
street improvements. She quickly found a sympathetic ear in Dr. Straupp,
the family physician. He was dissatisfied with the way the Democratic
incumbents were running Bingham and decided to run as a Republican for
mayor. Clara promised him her full support if he committed to put down
wooden sidewalks in Bingham once elected. Straupp agreed and Clara became
the doctor's number one supporter. She rounded up a solid following
among the foreign-born residents and even helped many to register as
voters, an effort that often included establishing their citizenship.
Ivy took an active interest in this campaign and became the "official
errand runner" for her mother. When election time came Ivy spent the
entire day at the polls, her "heart skipping with the excitement of
it all." When the votes were finally tallied Clara Baker's influence
had paid off. Dr. Straupp had won the election, and Ivy "felt as elated
as a kingmaker" and soon determined that a career in politics would
be "the ultimate in glorious achievement."