History of the Unitarian Church in Utah
Taken from the Utah History Encyclopedia. (Links Added)

The formal establishment of a Unitarian Society in Utah dates from February 1891, and the history of the Unitarian movement relates to the growth of religious liberalism in Utah. In a general sense, Unitarianism is part of a tradition of truth-seeking based on human reason which is manifest in positions are in agreement with trinitarian Christian doctrines concerning God and Jesus of Nazareth. Trinitarian interpretations were formally embraced at the Council of Nicea in the year 325. Followers of dissenting beliefs were branded heretics; doctrine was no longer related to reason but to tradition only. All freedom of thought, discussion, belief, or teaching of differing viewpoints was a crime, often punished with death. Thus, differing thought and inquiry pushed underground to surface through the following centuries in various forms, only to be attacked with all possible dispatch.

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